Pastor Maldonado has admitted he was wrong to lash out at the Williams team during the United States Grand Prix weekend and he has added that he has some ‘big friends’ there, ‘maybe the only friends I have in F1’.
Maldonado suggested that his mechanics had tampered with his car after being eliminated from the first phase of qualifying on the Saturday, but was apologetic the next day and has now reiterated that what he said was unacceptable.
“Sometimes you get too stressed and you get stuck in the moment,” he told “But maybe there is something behind that after three years, and sometimes you can explode. I think I accumulated energy and exploded. It’s not that I’m crazy and I start to say many things like that.
“For sure it was wrong from my side, because I respected them for three years and they respected me for three years, but I was so stressed during the weekend and after the announcement that I click here for more
Actually….. you are crazy Pastor.
If you think Williams will sabotage their own chances of winning championship points….. points that bring enormous financial rewards.
Yes…. you must be crazy.
After that he get himself up and said that was the pressure of the moment.
But his ‘limited’ apology, and his excuse of ‘pressure’, only serve to show himself in a very poor light…..
His apology should have been made with humility.
His excuse should never have been made…..
A good F1 driver should take the pressure, as being a normal part of working life.
You’re right…