The F1 Times casts its 2014 F1 predictions

Making predictions in Formula 1 before the first race has taken place during a season in which the regulations remain stable is difficult enough, making a prediction in 2014, when widescale changes have been implemented, is near impossible.

Despite this, here at The F1 Times, we don’t shy away from a challenge – even if we end up feeling a little embarrassed. So we’ve dusted off the crystal ball and given it our best shot. Who knows, we might actually get a few correct.

How many races into the season will it take for Red Bull to win a race?

Ryan Wood: I think we’ll see it happen. When, who knows. I’d expect the second half of the season, maybe around the Austrian Grand Prix – that’d be a coincidence!

Daniel Chalmers: Underneath all the reliability gremlins is a fast chassis and aero combination. Their rate of development in the last few years has been incredible so they can definitely iron these problems out. The question is will Mercedes have won too many races by the time they have solved all their issues? I think they will win a couple of races in the second half of the year, but it will be too late for a title challenge

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